What is this? An autograph card from 2008 UDX, card number JN.
Where'd I get it? Out of a retail pack.
How much did it cost? $1.99.
Why is this so special? I have no idea how I'm pulling all these autos out of retail packs. I didn't even want this pack, I just got it to review on the blog. But got it I did, so let's find out who this dude is. The team on the card is the Rockies, but Josh is actually in the Kansas City organization after getting picked up on waivers this summer. CBS Sportsline has tagged him with the "nothing more than organizational depth at this point in his career" line that they use so often for anyone who doesn't have any fantasy league impact. It's true that he hasn't pitched well at all in his brief 14 game career, but the guy's name is Joshua PAUL Newman. Dude just needs to drop the Josh and start sneaking salad dressing or spaghetti sauce out onto the field. I bet Paul Newman could win 20 games with his Sockarooni ball. Josh/Paul also went to THE Ohio State University, so that's another plus or minus depending on your point of view. The guy's only 26 years old, plus he's a lefty pitcher whose arm is still firmly attached to his body so I have a feeling he'll have a shot to pitch somewhere. Not a bad looking card, I like the big puffy J and the N that sort of morphs into a pictogram of Mt. Fuji in the signature. Hmm... now I'm wondering how many lefty relief pitchers I have autogrphs from. It certainly seems like I have a few of them. I think I should start using a lefty reliever tag.